Call for papers 4th International Conference in Economic and Social History "Varieties of Capitalism in the Mediterranean (18th-20th c.)", Corfu, 1-3 October 2020

The Greek Economic History Association in collaboration with the Department of History of the Ionian University, organizes the 4th International Conference in Economic and Social History. The Conference will address the theme “Varieties of Capitalism in the Mediterranean (18th-20th century)” and will be hosted by the Ionian University in Corfu on 1-3 October 2020.
Capitalism is seen as a phenomenon of global history enhanced by transnational transactions; the conference seeks to re-examine the various forms and patterns of capitalism in the Mediterranean region as an essential concept for understanding modernities. Considering the pre-eighteenth-century historical experience of capitalist activity in the Mediterranean, can we identify Mediterranean patterns of economic modernity in individual or group choices, strategies and profits? What were the features of merchant and financial capitalism that emerged in the Mediterranean after the eighteenth century? What was the role played by political authority (imperial, national, colonial) in capitalist development? How did the natural environment shape capitalist development and how has it been transformed by it? Also in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the Mediterranean world became the area of intense economic activity and political conflict that transcended religious and - since the nineteenth century – national boundaries, and was gradually transformed by the emergence of national economies. We invite sessions and papers that will discuss structures and behaviors to explore continuity and change in various entrepreneurial paths in the Mediterranean.
Other topics that the conference may include are: histories of merchant capitalism; pre-industrial and industrial capitalism; pre-capitalist and capitalist agriculture; production and consumption; financial institutions, sovereign debt and financial control; shipping and port economies; mobility and migration networks; class and social structures; race and gender relations; culture and capitalism in the Mediterranean.
Conference Languages: English, French
Proposals for a) sessions of three to four papers accompanied by abstracts up to 400 words each and an abstract for the whole panel and b) papers (with an abstract of 400 words) should be emailed to until 30.10. 2019.
Conference fees:
Early registration (until 30.5.2020)
Student fee: 25 €
Full fee (researchers, professors): 50 €
Registration after 1.6.2020 and registration on location
Student fee: 35 €
Full fee (researchers, professors): 70 €
Deadline for proposals (papers and sessions): 30.10. 2019
Announcement of approved applications: 15.12.2019
Conference dates: 1-3 October 2020
Conference venue: History Department, Ionian University, Corfu
Scientific Committee
Christina Agriantoni, University of Thessaly
Maria-Christina Chatziioannou, National Hellenic Research Foundation
Evangelos Chekimoglou, Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki
Sakis Gekas, York University, Toronto
Andreas Kakridis, Bank of Greece, Ionian University
Sophia Laiou, Ionian University
Leda Papastefanaki, University of Ioannina, Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH
Socrates Petmezas, University of Crete, Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH
Nikos Potamianos, Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH
Organizing Committee
Simos Bozikis, Ionian University
Maria Damilakou, Ionian University
Andreas Kakridis, Bank of Greece, Ionian University
Sophia Laiou, Ionian University
Contact Details:
Scientific secretariat: Simos Bozikis,