NEW PUBLICATION! Maria Christina Chatziioannou and Apostolos Delis (eds), Linkages of the Black Sea with the West. Navigation, Trade and Immigration

NEW PUBLICATION! Maria Christina Chatziioannou and Apostolos Delis (eds), Linkages of the Black Sea with the West. Navigation, Trade and Immigration, Black Sea History Working Papers, volume 7, Rethymnon, 2020
The seventh volume of the series of the Black Sea Project is about the linkages of the Black Sea area and ports with the western world.
The transport of goods and people are what connects Black Sea with the West. Therefore, navigation, trade and immigration are the phenomena that link and integrate Black Sea with western ports, markets and societies.
The five chapters of the volume explore unknown or understudied aspects of these phenomena. Navigation to the Black Sea, a fundamental part of the trading operation, neglected by the historiography, is examined in the first chapter in terms of its conditions, voyage duration and its risks and hazards. The volume of trade and of commercial relations with big Mediterranean ports are also examined in the two following papers. Last, but not least, the exodus of people from the wealthy ports and the fertile lands of the Black Sea to the Americas are also examined in the last two chapters. The Linkages with the West is the story of the Black Sea connectivity and integration to the global economy. The cosmopolitan societies that emerged and developed throughout the nineteenth century in many Black Sea ports and the ways they were connected to the Mediterranean and European ports and economies, were severely tested and disintegrated after 1914.