СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ НАШИМ КОЛЛЕГАМ В УКРАИНЕ. Черноморский проект – это проект коммуникации, академического диалога и научного обмена,
ученые вместе без границ: украинцы, русские, греки, турки, грузины, болгары, румыны, молдаване.
Нет Востока и Запада. Есть ОДИН МИР. Пусть война ЗАКОНЧИТСЯ
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Country: РУМЫНИЯ
Должность/Место работы: Профессор/Нижнедунайский университет, Румыния
Тема исследования: Города-порты Румынии

Constantin Ardeleanu is professor of modern Romanian history at the Department of History, Philosophy and Sociology of “The Lower Danube” University of Galaţi, where he teaches courses on 19th century Romanian history and the economic development of the Danubian and Black Sea areas during the 19th and 20th centuries. During the past years, Constantin has also been a long term fellow of the New Europe College, an Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, where he coordinates the “Pontica Magna” Fellowship Programme. Since 2016 he is a research fellow at Utrecht University, within the ERC project “Securing Europe, Fighting its Enemies. The Making of a Security Culture in Europe and Beyond, 1815–1914”, where he studies the European Commission of the maritime Danube and focuses on its contribution towards the establishment of a European security culture. His latest book is titled “International Trade and Diplomacy at the Lower Danube: the Sulina Question and the Economic Premises of the Crimean War, 1829–1853 (Brăila, 2014).
