СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ НАШИМ КОЛЛЕГАМ В УКРАИНЕ. Черноморский проект – это проект коммуникации, академического диалога и научного обмена,
ученые вместе без границ: украинцы, русские, греки, турки, грузины, болгары, румыны, молдаване.
Нет Востока и Запада. Есть ОДИН МИР. Пусть война ЗАКОНЧИТСЯ
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Country: ГРЕЦИЯ
Должность/Место работы: Старший научный сотрудник/Институт исторических исследований, Национальный научно-исследовательский фонд, Греция
Тема исследования: Торговые связи с итальянскими портами

Maria Christina Chatziioannou, (PhD. Modern History 1989, Department of History and Archeology- National Capodistrian University, Athens), studied History at the same university (1973-78) and Italian history at the Scuola di Perfezionamento di Storia Medioevale e Moderna, Universita di Sapienza, Rome (1978-80). She is Research Director (Business History and Industrial Archaeology (17th-20th c.) in the Institute for Historical Research/ National Hellenic Research Foundation. She has taught graduate and undergraduate courses and seminars at the Universities of Athens, Crete and the EHESS. She is currently president of the Greek Economic History Association (2010-16). She has published (11 books as author and editor and numerous articles) on merchant houses and entrepreneurs, commercial networks, retailing, evolution of Greek settlements, Italian historiography. She is currently engaged in a comparative study of merchants and business enterprises in the Mediterranean, Anglo-Greek trade and ethnic and economic networking in Britain.

Latest publications: 2015, “Towards a History of the Collective Organization of Athens Shop Assistants in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: Questions and Debate”, in: Efi Avdela, Haris Exertzoglou, Christos Lyrintzis (eds), Forms of Public Sociality in Twentieth-Century Greece, University of Crete 2015 [in Greek].

2013, The Original Debt: The Loans of Greek National Independence, Issues of Economic History series, Athens: Gutenberg [in Greek].

2013 (ed.), Responding to Economic Crises in Historical Perspective, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, The Historical Review / La Revue Historique, 10, Athens: INR/NHR. http://historicalreview.org/index.php/historicalReview



