СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ НАШИМ КОЛЛЕГАМ В УКРАИНЕ. Черноморский проект – это проект коммуникации, академического диалога и научного обмена,
ученые вместе без границ: украинцы, русские, греки, турки, грузины, болгары, румыны, молдаване.
Нет Востока и Запада. Есть ОДИН МИР. Пусть война ЗАКОНЧИТСЯ
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Country: ТУРЦИЯ
Должность/Место работы: Ph.D. (Research Assistant), University of Sinop, Sinop, Turkey
Тема исследования:

He gained his B.Sc. from Erzurum Atatürk University, Department of History, and M.Sc. degrees from Erzincan University, Department of History. He is currently working as a research assistant at Sinop University, Department of History, and also a Ph.D. student at Atatürk University, Department of History. Ömer Ferit İMLAK carries out on the “The Migrant Settlers and Their Settlings in the Starboards of Adana, Tarsus, Sis and Kars-ı Maraş in the 16th and 17th Centuries for his Ph.D. studies. 
